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The following code popped up suggesting the following (SPN 157 FMI 18) and then later changed to (SP?

SPN 1323/FMI 31 Description This Fault Code Sets when the Motor Control Module (MCM) Detects That Cylinder #1 Has Low rpm Speed with the Injector Commanded to Max Fueling for a count of two with all conditions met. The ECM monitors the fuel pressure sensor signal and compares it to a predetermined value. The CEL lamp will remain on until the fault is resolved. Celiac disease is an immune disorder passed down through families. • SPN 94/FMI 15 or 16 Fuel Filter Plugged • SPN 157/FMI 1 Rail Pressure too High • SPN 164/FMI (All) Rail Pressure Sensor Faults • SPN 174/FMI 0 Fuel Temperature too High • SPN 1077/FMI 5 or 6 Quantity Control Valve Current • SPN 1077/FMI 14 High Pressure Leakage Too High • SPN 520251/FMI (All) PCV High Side Error DD15 just shut off on me Eng 1 fail 16 spn 157. 3 story townhomes in houston for rent EFFECT: Possibly hard to start or low power. Detroit DD15 GHG14 (2014-16) Fault Code: SPN 3936 FMI 18 (ACM) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Pressure – Out of Range Low DESCRIPTION: This fault code sets when the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) inlet pressure and Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) outlet pressure delta is below normal operating range for more than 10 seconds. NOTE: If inactive, clear the code, cycle the engine, and see if comes back. I currently have a 2014 freightliner Cascadia with a DD15 that is currently able to crank but not able to idle on. limited edition crown royal cowboys Its showing fault code spn 520268 fmi 18 fuel pressure too high, similar condition Expert. The troubleshooting led them to replace the PLV, and this fixed the code. Fuller Advantage 2017. Page 3 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 ast26909. Page 3 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 ast26909. Refer to section "Removal of the GHG14 DD15 Asymmetrical Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid" 30. squeeze thc nano drops Circuit Description The pressure control loop relies on fuel pressure supplied to the high pressure pump by the fuel gear pump. ….

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